THE most comprehensive and detailed fashion website review service on the internet
★ Get your own unique FAQ + Selling Points on your profile page
★ be seen by 1000s of daily visitors and win new business

Submit a listing to our directory (speedy submission without need to register)

Add more than 1 listing at a time, and save up to 50% off!
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(based on up-to-date market data). Save conversion rate fees - pay in your local currency!
GOLD LISTING £20 (one-off payment)

Payable via PayPal - no PayPal account needed

What you get for a Gold listing:-
  • Your listing is instantly added to our directory after submission - no need to wait!
  • your site will be listed on both the home page and at the top of a category page
  • You have the option to receive a FREE uniquely written and published article on a website of your choice - worth £10, but FREE with Gold listings! - more info (opens in new window)
  • new! We will write a unique FAQ, list selling points of your products/services (again, uniquely written), and summarise what your customers like most about your products/services if you have current testimonials (AGAIN, uniquely written) on your profile page. In aggregate, we will provide roughly a 1000 words unique review of your website. This is the deepest dive website review service on the internet - or your money back (this is our truly unique selling point).
  • Get a free Gold listing permanently on [link opens in new window] - automatically added for you
  • a massive boost to your site's traffic - high-profile link to your website (from home page, and top of your category), driving organic traffic there
  • Automatically have your latest blog post highlighted on several areas of our directory including our articles page - - an extra link to an inner page of your website!
  • If you sell products, we will automatically list them on several areas of our directory including our products page - extra links to inner pages of your website!
  • If you have a YouTube channel, we will automatically embed your videos within several areas of our directory including our videos page
  • We will spider to get a full history of your website (another signal of trust)
  • review notes - we look for signs of trust for each site we allow onto our directory, so our review notes are a quick synopsis of the signs of trust we found on your website
  • your own web-page with unlimited text where you can add images and up to 10 links to any inner pages of the website you are listing
  • title & short description of your website in listings
  • thumbnail image shown on listing
  • higher listing ranking than free entries
  • large screenshot of your website
  • guaranteed money back if for whatever reason your submission is not approved
Please view our directory guidelines [link opens in new window]
SILVER LISTING £5 (one-off payment)

Payable via PayPal - no PayPal account needed

What you get for a silver listing:-
  • Your listing is instantly added to our directory after submission - no need to wait!
  • Get a free Silver listing permanently on [link opens in new window] - automatically added for you
  • You have the option to have a uniquely written and published article on a website of your choice - worth £10, but just £5 with silver listings! - more info + T & Cs (opens in new window)
  • title & short description of your website in listings
  • no need to link back to us
  • your listing will appear above all free listings
  • link to your website (but not from home page of our site)
  • email notification when your listing goes live, with a link to where your listing can be found on our directory
Please view our directory guidelines [link opens in new window]

What you get for a free listing:-
  • after a manual website review, you will get a permanent listing, with yearly manual review (your site must meet our guidelines [opens in new window]) and daily automated checks to ensure your site is still online and relevant to our directory - it will be listed permanently so long as it meets our guidelines
  • title & short description of your website in listings
  • link to your website
  • review time: maximum of 12 hours

 (c)2009 - 2024